Try before you buy is always good advice. That's why you should take advantage of this free demonstration of the Azure Virtual Desktop solution in action. You can ask questions from our Azure experts and experience first-hand what Azure Virtual Desktop can do. Sign up for the Free Azure Virtual Desktop Demo today.
View: Free Azure Virtual Desktop Demo
Curious to see where, and how, the Microsoft Cloud operates? The video we've included here takes you behind the scenes to Microsoft's operations rooms where highly trained technicians and AI monitor the data center's critical infrastructure. Customers like you expect a resilient and secure computing environment. Microsoft helps us meet your expectations with teams of cyber security experts monitoring trillions of threat signals daily, as well...
With the introduction of the HPE ProLiant Gen11, HPE compute on the hybrid cloud is here! This assessment will evaluate your current and future workload requirements for optimization of your workloads—for every environment. Contact us today for a free consultation in which we can share the new HPE Gen 11 ProLiant system capabilities and configurations.
View: Compute Assessment for Hybrid Cloud
The new HPE ProLiant Gen11 servers are here—and this press release has the details. Give it a read to learn about the big improvements that come with the next generation of server technology.
The jobs of procurement and sustainability professionals is an important one. They're charged with making sure purchases meet and advance the organization's sustainability goals. Download this informative Purchasing Guide to get an overview of what to look for in PCs, displays and printers when trying to meet sustainable procurement goals.
View: Purchasing the Future You Want: A Sustainable IT Purchasing Guide