The new Surface Laptop and Surface Pro is based on the Qualcomm Snapdragon X Elite SoC and features high performance for AI, graphics, data science and other heavy workloads. The result is fast response, power efficiencies and long battery life. Download your complimentary copy of the eBook to find out how this new high-powered AI laptop can revolutionize your PC experience.
View: A Modern AI PC Design
This flyer contains 2 customer stories on the value of Surface with links to the details on each one.
View: Surface for Retail Flyer
In this video, you'll get a first look at the HPE Edgeline EL8000, a server system made to bring high compute power to the toughest environments at the extreme ends of the edge.
There are a lot of good reasons to migrate your VMware workloads from your datacenter to Azure with Azure VMware Solution (AVS). Get this infographic to see the top 5 reasons we think AVS is the optimal route to the cloud, and get in touch with Abrahams Consulting LLC to see how we can help.
View: Top 5 reasons to migrate to Azure VMware Solution
This eBook describes the changing landscape of retail and how the Surface device portfolio is ideal for the retail store floor, back office, and for Teams meetings as well. The value of the device is presented for each persona in a retail organization, including store floor associates, distribution center workers, store managers, and executives.
View: Surface for Retail