There's a new AI laptop in town. The new Surface Laptop, and the new Surface Pro, based on the Snapdragon X Elite SoC is the result of a partnership between Snapdragon and Microsoft to bring AI capabilities and the neural processing unit (NPU) to the personal computer. The result is elevated performance, power efficiencies, long battery life, and more. Download your complimentary copy of the eBook. Contact us to discuss how Abrahams Consulting...
Sycomp Storage can significantly reshape how your organization approaches HPC, AI and ML workloads on Azure. With rapid deployment times from minutes to hours and striking performance capabilities over 300GB/s, Sycomp Storage stands out in both cloud and on-prem platforms with benefits that multi-tiered optimizations for different storage needs, support for thousands of VMs, disaster recovery and multi-cloud mobility. Download the solution brief...
Are you ready to spin up and scale out the modernized apps to drive your business forward? Reply and the Microsoft @Azure experts at Abrahams Consulting LLC will be in touch to guide you on the path to app modernization.
With Snapdragon X series processors and Copilot+ PCs, you can be more innovative, collaborative and productive. Empower your employees with AI-enhanced experiences, fast performance, long battery life and amazing graphics. View the infographic and start learning about all you can accomplish with Snapdragon and Copilot+ PCs. Contact us to learn how Abrahams Consulting LLC can help your employees benefit from the experiences, performance and...