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3 reasons to invest in Microsoft Azure AI - TechTonic Times

TechTonic Times

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3 reasons to invest in Microsoft Azure AI

Digital transformation enabled businesses to obtain data from places they never thought possible and to monitor every aspect of customer interactions to gain a holistic view of their customers. Companies soon realized, though, that an overabundance of unstructured data was not only wasteful, but could also become counter-productive, and that some automation was needed to identify the data that could be acted upon to generate real value. However, as the influx of data grew more and more massive, it became clear that more advanced methods of automation were needed to keep up with the scale of commercial IoT and digital operations. Enter artificial intelligence.

In this infographic, you’ll learn why capitalizing on AI has become crucial for today’s leading enterprises, and how investing in Microsoft Azure AI can help you create a smarter, faster-growing business.

View: 3 reasons to invest in Microsoft Azure AI

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