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Sanofi Gains Speed And Agility with an Azure Hybrid Cloud Strategy - TechTonic Times

TechTonic Times

Security I Networking I Storage I IT Staffing I Managed Services

Sanofi Gains Speed And Agility with an Azure Hybrid Cloud Strategy

When pharmaceutical firm Sanofi decided to move off its on-premises infrastructure, because it was limiting Sanofi’s ability to innovate and respond quickly to business needs, the company opted for a hybrid cloud strategy. With help from its partner Mobiz, Sanofi settled on a digital transformation plan that included migrating more than 15,000 servers and 1,800 apps over the next few years to Microsoft’s Azure cloud platform.

The results? For one, Sanofi has experienced fewer outages and faster recovery times, reducing their mean time to recovery (MTTR) by 300-500 percent. Overall, these improvements allow Sanofi to manufacture and deliver high-quality medicine without interruption. Read how they did it here.

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