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A multilayered approach to security with IBM Power - TechTonic Times

TechTonic Times

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A multilayered approach to security with IBM Power

Cyber security breaches continue to cost organizations like yours big time — with no end in sight.

The average cost of a data breach is now USD 4.24 million, up 10% from last year’s reported USD 3.86 million.

With cyberattackers growing more sophisticated by the minute and AI starting to dominate the IoT landscape, your company’s data is in greater danger than ever before.

What can be done?

Read this report for a deep discussion of the current needs of enterprises in today’s highly unsafe cybersecurity environment to safeguard their data with an IBM powered multi-layered Zero Trust approach to security.

There’s no time like the present to save your company from financial losses caused by escalating data breaches. Contact Abrahams Consulting LLC IBM cybersecurity expert to discuss IBM solutions.

View: A multilayered approach to security with IBM Power

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