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Deception Security: Get Your Stolen Documents to ‘Call home.’

Deception Security
Have you considered the benefits of Deception Security?

Deception Security

Cybersecurity has never been a bigger concern for enterprises and large organizations. Security breaches constantly make headlines, as hackers manage to steal sensitive information, valuable assets, and confidential trade secrets.

As these threats get more sophisticated, security systems need to invent new tactics and build a better mousetrap—and that’s exactly what deception security technology does.


Deception security offers an ingenious new way to deter would-be attackers and defend your data. Just like a mousetrap attracts vermin with a tantalizing treat, deception tech baits hackers with what appear to be real assets—only to misdirect them and shut down access to your actual data.


Today’s deception technology advanced from old-school honeypots—a tried and true security mechanism that’s been around for decades. But while honeypots were complex and limited, emerging deception solutions are increasingly automated and intelligent. According to Gartner, “new techniques and capabilities promise to deliver game-changing impact.” The research firm also predicts that by 2018, “10% of enterprises will use deception tools and tactics.” Let’s take a closer look.


How Deception Security Systems Protect Your Data 


Like an undercover cop who’s pretending to collude with a criminal, deception security solutions fool hackers into thinking they’ve infiltrated your system and are on the way to ill-gotten gains. These systems emulate fake servers, assets, and applications that are easier to access than your actual network.


With multiple traps spread across every security layer in the kill chain, it’s hard for hackers to resist your alluring—but fake—assets. Once they do, the deception security system sends an alert to your IT staff while immediately walling off your real data.


Here’s the genius part: instead of simply shutting the hacker out, deception security solutions divert them to a sandbox—a fake environment that mimics an actual network without offering any valuable data. Intruders waste their time and energy wandering through this maze, giving you more time to understand and effectively neutralize the threat.


Why Deception Security Is So Valuable


Are deception security solutions foolproof? The simple answer is no—you shouldn’t depend on any single cybersecurity solution to defend your organization’s assets. But deception technology is a powerful addition to your existing security strategies for two related reasons.


First, deception diverts and distracts hackers, making them expend more effort to reach your data and dramatically slowing them down in the process. This affords your security team much more time and intelligence to stop any attacks.


Second, by fortifying the barrier to entry, deception security discourages hackers—you’re no longer the lowest hanging fruit in town. Cybercriminals aren’t known for their diligent work ethic: they’d much rather pick off the easy prey. It’s like the old joke: you don’t have to be faster than a bear to get away—you just have to be faster than the person next to you.

Once attackers realize they’ve wasted their time on a deception, they’ll move on to the next target.


Hospitals, schools, agencies, and enterprises are already embracing this next-generation cybersecurity approach.


Contact us today to learn more about deception security and how to protect your organization.



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