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Big Data, Big Insights, Big Personalities. Big Matters.

TechTonic Times

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Not Sure If Your Big Is ‘Big’ Enough? Ask Oscar Pistorius

South+Africa's+Oscar+PistoriusOops, apparently Oscar does not know when big is big enough either.

I think he should consider getting a coach to help him wrap his mind around his ‘Big’ life.

It is expected that when you have both your legs cut from beneath you, that you submit to the cards you are  dealt and just survive.

No, not this guy.

He thrives.

Not only did he make it to the Olympics, he wins!

He is the reigning, renowned champion and representative for an entire continent and the world.

And, then he hooks up with one of the most beautiful women on the planet.

A cover girl.

But now she is dead because he shot her.

No, not allegedly. He admitted it.


Big is overwhelming. Big matters. And  when matters are this big, it helps to get ‘Big Insights‘ whichever way you can.

Big Insights, one of the attributes of the  trend towards Big Data in technology, is the missing ingredient in Oscar Pistorius’s big life.

Big data analytics  is the process of examining large amounts of data of a variety of types (big data) to uncover hidden patterns, unknown correlations and other useful information. Such information can provide competitive advantages over rival organizations and result in business benefits, such as more effective marketing and increased revenue.

The primary goal of big data analytics is to help companies make better business decisions by enabling data scientist and other users to analyze huge volumes of transaction data as well as other data sources that may be left untapped by conventional business intelligence programs. These other data sources may include Web server logs and Internet clickstream data, social media activity reports, mobile-phone call detail records and information captured by sensors.

So what does Big Data have to do with Oscar?

On the surface,


But, what if he had a mentor, a psychologist, or just some method that was helping him to extract, correlate and decipher the ‘Big,’ small and internal rumblings and occurrences in his public and private life?

Just maybe, his big legacy would have remained untarnished.

Contact us  for your Big Data Analysis today.

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