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In today's disrupted workplace employee teams are often spread miles apart, often leading to confusion over printing, over-printing documents, security over printing documents at home, etc. If this sounds like your situation, read this solution brief outlining the advantages of HP Managed Print Services to help you design a printing strategy that works for everyone, no matter where they work.
View: Your people work everywhere. Does your print...
This solution brief outlines HPE SMB solutions that include wired and wireless connectivity, running general business applications, and storing file as well as data backup and remote access.
View: Connect with a complete small office solution
There's a new AI laptop in town. The new Surface Laptop, and the new Surface Pro, based on the Qualcomm Snapdragon X Elite SoC, is the result of a partnership between Snapdragon and Microsoft to bring AI capabilities and the neural processing unit (NPU) to the personal computer. The result is elevated performance, power efficiencies, long battery life, and more. Download the eBook.
View: A Modern AI PC Design
Transportation logistics company Wallenius Wilhelmsen has discovered the power of AI to help it modernize and streamline its operations. In this article, you'll read how the company implemented Microsoft's AI assistant, Copilot, and the Microsoft Viva employee experience platform to enhance employee communication and encourage AI adoption. Read the story to learn how Wallenius Wilhelmsen is using these innovative solutions to more closely align...