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Prevent Ransomware Attacks from Disrupting Your Business with Thales CipherTrust Platform - TechTonic Times

TechTonic Times

Security I Networking I Storage I IT Staffing I Managed Services

Prevent Ransomware Attacks from Disrupting Your Business with Thales CipherTrust Platform

It’s sad, but true. Ransomware raiders have become a permanent part of the cyberscape. Cybercriminals continue to extort millions from businesses large and small around the world at a rate of about 10+ attacks per second. And they aren’t going away anytime soon.

In this whitepaper, you will discover how the Cyber-kill Chain cyberextortionists use to disrupt your business works, and how Thales’ CipherTrust Data Security Platform proactively protects your sensitive data before, during and after a ransomware attack.

Abrahams Consulting LLC is ready to help you implement Thales ransomware protection in your organization. Act today.

View: Prevent Ransomware Attacks from Disrupting Your Business with Thales CipherTrust Platform

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