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Samsung Interactive Display - TechTonic Times

TechTonic Times

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Samsung Interactive Display

Introducing Samsung Interactive Display – the future of classroom learning. With its intuitive interface and wide compatibility, teachers can easily leverage education apps and features to optimize lessons and engage students like never before. The WAC series offers a dynamic and engaging experience, allowing teachers to boost the learning environment with familiar UX and customizable home screens. Teachers can display multiple screens simultaneously with split screen mode and multi-window mode, enabling convenient access to all the information needed for an engaging learning experience. And with smart, wireless sharing, students can screen mirror up to nine devices at once, ensuring every student is included and engaged. The HDMI Out function allows for the sharing of whiteboard screen content on a larger screen, providing a real-time, interactive experience for students, no matter the classroom size. Discover the unlimited learning potential that Samsung Interactive Display brings to the classroom. Visit to learn more and find out how our technology reseller can provide solutions and support for your education needs.

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