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Laptops powered by Snapdragon® compute platforms offer battery life that can last up to 25 hours on a single charge. Leave a comment or message us directly us to learn more. @Qualcomm
Laptops powered by Snapdragon® compute platforms offer battery life that can last up to 25 hours on a single charge. Leave a comment or message us directly us to learn more. @Qualcomm
Autoscale in @Microsoft @Azure Personal Desktop has arrived! Autoscale shuts down idle session hosts to save money. Find out how to use Autoscale. 👉
Is your #OS holding you back? Book a free checkup with a Abrahams Consulting LLC expert now to ensure you have the security and support you need.
If you're looking to reduce costs and improve productivity in your hybrid workplace, get a look at what Forrester found in its TEI study of @Microsoft Teams users. Download your complimentary copy of the report to learn how consolidating collaboration tools on a single platform drives these kinds of savings and benefits.
Gartner named @Microsoft a Leader in the desktop-as-a-service market. Why? Tell us what you think in the comments. Read the report to hear what Gartner has to say. 👇