Improve performance and sustainability with Certainty

Are complex supplier sustainability due diligence regulatory requirements in your global supply chains holding you back? Check out the blog post from @Certainty Software for insights and strategies that will help optimize your company's supplier sustainability due diligence efforts. DM us to discuss how Certainty can make collecting and reporting inspection data more efficient—and a lot less stressful.

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The Forrester Wave: CRM Suites, Q3 2022

In a 31-criterion evaluation of CRM suites providers, Forrester identified the top 9. And we're thrilled while not surprised that @Microsoft is ranked a leader. Get this summary of the report to see how the providers measure up đź“Ź and help you choose the right vendor. Tell us if you'd like to run your options by one of our CRM experts.

Continue ReadingThe Forrester Wave: CRM Suites, Q3 2022