Raising the Cybersecurity Bar for Business Customers in Namibia

While connectivity in the African country of Nambia is expanding rapidly, awareness of the damage cyber threats can do is not. This situation concerned Direct Information Computer Technologies (DICT) CEO Axel Syring. So, he turned to Malwarebytes for help convincing Namibian businesses to get serious about their cybersecurity. Read the customer story to learn how Malwarebytes worked with DICT to educate their customers on the need to focus on cybersecurity. Ready to raise the bar on your cybersecurity? DM us.

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Migrating to Webex Cloud

Migrate to #Cisco Webex Cloud for the complete collaboration experience! Calling, meetings, and messaging on a single client, advanced meeting experiences, virtual backgrounds for remote conferencing—there are so many tools here to make remote work happen. Learn more in this infographic, courtesy of Abrahams Consulting LLC.

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Aruba Instant On: Set up your network in 3 steps

See how easy it is to set up your network with Aruba Instant On! Abrahams Consulting LLC recommends this document, which outlines 3 simple steps—along with other details you'll love to know. 👀 Get up and running quickly with a fast, flexible network that will keep employees productive and customers happy.

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Endpoint Security Evaluation Guide

Endpoint security not quite making the grade? You are not alone. But here's the good news. With @Malwarebytes for Business portfolio of cybersecurity slutions, you can uplevel your endpoint security and replace multiple, outdated tools with a single, next-generation cybersecurity platform that protects and fortifies your laptops, servers, and mobile devices against the latest threats. Download the ebook to learn why after comparing Malwarebytes with other leading EP providers in their 60° Assessment & Certification, MRG Effitas concluded that Malwarebytes EP—more consistently than anybody else—has what it takes to keep your business safe from today's most pressing cyberthreats.

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