Hybrid Work in Retail

 Enable hybrid work in retail with #Aruba. Abrahams Consulting LLC invites you to read this document to learn about Aruba solutions designed to let back-end workers and those in corporate roles work from anywhere. 🙌 This includes solutions like EdgeConnect Mobile and Microbranch solutions, which offer secure on- and off-premise network connectivity.

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Gartner Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Conversational AI Platforms

Feeling a bit overwhelmed by the number of AI platform vendors seeking your business? Which one is the right fit for your company? Use the Gartner report to get a deeply detailed evaluation of strengths and weakness of market leaders, challengers, and niche players, as well as a discussion of trends and challenges of the growing chatbot market. DM us to learn why Magic Quadrant leader @IBM may be the most cost-efficient and reliable Enterprise Conversational AI Platform vendor for your company.

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Peace of mind with maximum device uptime

When device and software issues crop up, they take IT pros away from working on high-priority projects. It's worse when the problem involves a hybrid or remote worker. That's where the @HP family of care services can help. Download this solution brief for an overview of what you get including remote tech support, predictive device health analytics, proactive ticketing and remediation.

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