Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Conversational AI Platforms 2023

What are your thoughts about the @IBM Gartner Magic Quadrant rankings? How does IBM's emergence as the leader in the development of Enterprise Conversational AI Platforms affect your cybersecurity profile? Would you be more, or less, inclined to invest in IBM AI-powered Zero Trust solutions based on this information? Let us know in a comment.

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BC Hydro – Vancouver: A Foundation for Improved Protection and Automation

This customer story, brought to you by Abrahams Consulting LLC, explains how BC Hydro transformed into a digital company using #Cisco networking, security, and smart grid solutions— offering you more context as to what's possible with Cisco IOX, as well as Cisco's ISE engine and RF Mesh network.

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Accelerating Transformation for a post-COVID-19 World

 How is your business handling process automation post-pandemic? Check out this @Harvard Business School article on Covid-19's impact on digital transformation, "Accelerating Transformation for a Post-Covid-19 World." Learn from top business execs about how you can increase competitive advantage in our new reality. #RedHat #Ansible #digitaltransformation

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