Insurance Provider Speeds Development

 When French insurance provider #Groupama decided to move to cloud-native application development, it turned to Red Hat #OpenShift. Read the customer success story to learn how the Red Hat OpenShift Container platform helps Groupama benefit from a more agile, efficient development environment. Results include faster time-to-market; plus, the ability to attract top IT talent. #RedHat #OpenShift

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Discover, Protect and Control with Thales’ CipherTrust Data Security Platform

How much are data breaches costing your company? In lost revenue? Lost business? Lost trust? 😩 @Thales can help rectify these serious issues. Read the solution brief to learn how Thales' innovative CipherTrust Data Security Platform safeguards your business' most sensitive data -- and bottom line -- with next-generation unified data protection from anywhere. Got questions? Comments? Let us know how we can help your organization unify data discovery, protection and control in one platform. #cybersecurity

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Satellite Pro ™ L50-G Series

The Satellite Pro ™ L50-G Series productivity tool from @dynabook checks all the boxes for excellent value and extraordinary performance. It is the perfect laptop for meeting the needs of your hybrid professionals, students and educators — and your desire for a more robust revenue stream. Ready to get started? DM us for flexible purchasing options. #hybridwork

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