Discover an ultrafast Wi-Fi networking solution. The #ASUS RT-AX88U is a 4x4 dual-band Wi-Fi router that's 2.3x faster than 802.11ac 4x4 dual-band routers, making accessing, sharing, and streaming your files, videos, and photos—as well as gaming—a seamless experience. Read this datasheet, courtesy of Abrahams Consulting LLC, to learn more.

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Faster deployments of Red Hat OpenStack Platform with Ansible strategy plugins

Change is on the horizon with the future release of Red Hat #OpenStack Platform director. Read this #blog to take a deep dive on changes transforming how Ansible strategy plugins impact overcloud node deployment on a large scale. Learn about features enabling a defined number of nodes to fail during deployment or day 2 operation.

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The Way Work Now Works

Whether your employees are in-office, remote of hybrid, Brother is retrofitting print environments to complement the way your workforce works - wherever it works. Does your print technology meet the demands of your #hybrid workforce? Comment to let us know. Curious about what makes #Brother different? Click 🧐 to request a free consultation with a Abrahams Consulting LLC Brother expert on how to ensure a more comfortable & secure work environment.

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IMPACT Headset Solutions

Clear and seamless communication is essential for business success in today's #hybridwork and remote collaboration environments. Fully compatible with all your organization's devices and systems, the @EPOS IMPACT line of headsets is answering the call for concise two-way speech intelligibility. Check out the entire #IMPACT headset line and DM us to discuss next steps. #VirtualMeeting

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