Migrating from Legacy IAM to Modern Access Management: Guidelines and Best Practices

Migrate from legacy IAM to modern access management with #Thales SafeNet Trusted Access—and achieve reduced TCO, better and smarter security, and an enhanced UX made possible by cloud-based access management solutions. Read this white paper, courtesy of Abrahams Consulting LLC, to learn more.

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Reimagined Workplace Design

💡Returning to the office isn't just a matter of having a few bottles of hand sanitizer and some social distancing rules; it's about reimagining the way we think about the traditional 9-to-5 work environment. How do you ensure your office is safe, secure and ready for operations when employees return? We've got a blueprint you need to see. #BlackBox #remotework #cybersecurity

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As Data Explodes, Storage-as-a-Service Takes Hold

Digital transformation is fueling a global data gold rush. What has been the impact on how you use data in operations, customer experience initiatives and revenue planning? Consider commenting to start a conversation. Read this 👇 to explore the crucial role application and infrastructure modernization plays in your digital transformation and how @Hitachi Vantara storage-as-a-service solutions help. #SaaS #digitaltransformation

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Intro to MVISION Insights

Assessing your organization's security posture is the first critical step to developing a #cybersecurity strategy that can combat today's most advanced threats. Discover how @McAfee #MVISION Insights identifies your security gaps, predicts how you will perform if attacked, and prescribes specific actions you can take to neutralize any threat against networked devices, on-prem servers, or public, private and #hybridcloud networks.

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