The Most Secure File Sharing Tool, With 100% Control Over Data Sovereignty

  SureDrop: secure by design. This Thales infographic, brought to you by Abrahams Consulting LLC, provides a visual representation of SureDrop's capabilities, threat-protection abilities, and features and benefits. It also shows how SureDrop can be used by both end users and managed service providers.

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HPE Discover 2020: Backup Is Still Key in the Big Data Revolution

In this, the information age, data is the lifeblood of many businesses. Its backup and security are critical. Check out this article, brought to you by Abrahams Consulting LLC, to learn how #HPECloudVolumes, with #HPENimble, is simplifying and optimizing how this is done, so that organizations can access and unlock the true value of data—from anywhere—using HPE analytics.

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HPE Server Management and Security

Are your servers ready to thwart cybercrime? Download this infographic, brought to you by Abrahams Consulting LLC, to learn how @HPEGen10Servers outlines today's existing security threats, overviews the cost of cybercrime and the risk of business innovation, and illustrates how HPE servers provide a comprehensive security approach to protecting key server infrastructure. #hpeserver

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Set Up Your Network in 3 Easy Steps

"Set it and forget it" with the always-on network for the always-on business. Download this infographic, brought to you by ContentMX, LLC, to find out what the advantages are of having free Wi-Fi for customers and employees, as well as how to set up your #ArubaInstantOn network in 3 easy steps. In addition, learn about the benefits of Aruba Instant On—for example, network strength and built-in security features.

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Radiology Unleashed: 3 Reasons the Time is Right for Remote Reading

Telehealth—remote reading unleashed with @Lenovo technology!  Check out this brochure, brought to you by Abrahams Consulting LLC, and you'll see how @Lenovo is making remote radiology easy. With the right remote technology, radiologists can increase productivity and reduce the stresses of a demanding job—while serving more patients. #SmarterWithLenovo

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