Lenovo Device as a Service White Paper

How does Device as a Service (DaaS) work? Take out a subscription for anywhere from 2 to 5 years. Get the latest hardware, preloaded with the latest software, bundled with the services you need to work more productively and securely. You will never again have to worry about... • ...aging, obsolete devices or software • ...separate maintenance and support contracts • ...securely and properly disposing of old hardware • ...high upfront costs of purchasing devices Lenovo's white paper, brought to you by Abrahams Consulting, is a closer look at how DaaS works.

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TBR PC Workstation Reliability Study

Are your PC workstations reliable? TBR found Lenovo® workstations in the first 3 years had lower repair rates than both the industry and competitors. And over 90% would buy Lenovo again! Here are more reasons Lenovo® ThinkStation® workstations are perfect for your business. • High-performance systems with the latest Intel® processors • Tiny workstations and towers that fit into your workspace • Mobile PCs fusing laptop portability with workstation productivity Download the 2019 TBR PC Reliability Study now, brought to you by Abrahams Consulting, to read how Lenovo outperformed the competition.

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Enabling Analytics for Improvement ‒ Lessons from Year 2 of Fresno’s Personalized Learning Initiative

How to do you keep the momentum rolling for initiatives? First, you need to understand your current success: what's working and where can we improve? Second, you need to communicate that success to parents, teachers, principals, and anyone one else with a stake in student progress. Fresno Unified's Personalized Learning Initiative, in partnership with #Microsoft, Digital Promise, and Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, integrated learning analytics to do just that. In this year 2 report, the results speak for themselves: The initiative is accomplishing its goals of closing achievement gaps and preparing students for "as yet imagined futures." Let's keep this momentum going to improve the lives of all students!

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