Global 100 Companies Prove Sustainability is Good for Business

The climate crisis affects individuals, governments, organizations and business. How does your organization address sustainability? Abrahams Consulting LLC suggests reading this interesting article about Corporate Knights' annual list of the 100 cleanest companies in the world — @HP included. The fact that so many profitable enterprises are also able to maintain environmental commitments is inspiring.

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Ransomware as a Service: Understanding the Cybercrime Gig Economy

RaaS is a growing threat in the cybercrime gig economy. Where does protecting your organization from it fall on your list of priorities? Read the blog for insight on this continuously evolving ecosystem. Comment to let us know how the experts at Abrahams Consulting LLC can help you stay ahead of RaaS threats.

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Elevating Hybrid Experiences with Microsoft Teams Rooms and Teams Devices

Concerned you're not delivering truly inclusive and collaborative hybrid meetings? Learn how you can with @Microsoft Teams Rooms and Teams devices. When you're done reading the blog, DM us to find out how a Microsoft Teams expert from Abrahams Consulting LLC can help you make your hybrid work collaborations more engaging and productive. #hybridwork #Microsoft

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